A trust “THIAGI A.R.RUTHIRAPATHY FOUNDATION” has been established and registered. The registered office of the Trust is situated at F2, 14/10, V.V.S. Iyer Street, Ganapathypuram, Chennai – 600 059.


EDUCATIONAL: To construct and/or run educational institutions and/or to contribute to educational institutions.

To provide monetary and/or other assistance and to give free scholarships/ prizes to deserving students undergoing general, professional, vocational, commercial and/ or technical education for training. To do all activities for the advancement of education.

MEDICAL: To assist, establish, maintain and/or give donation and aid to dispensaries, hospitals and other institutions rendering medical aid for all type of patients especially those who are suffering from blindness, dumbness, mental retardation, physically handicapped, spastic and paralytic and polio attacked patients.

To give medical aid to the poor and deserving people.

To assist, establish, maintain and/ or give donations to senatorial, Maternity and Child Welfare Centres and Other clinics in Rural and /or Urban areas and to assist/ promote family planning programmes.

PUBLIC WELFARE: To aid any institution propagating Indian Philosophy, Arts and Culture.
To establish, maintain and / or run institutions imparting ancient and other studies.
To help poor people in performing marriages and other ceremonies.
To arrange for free distribution of meals, cloth and other necessary things to poor and needy people in important occasions and festival days.
To construct and /or run public libraries and reading rooms.
To construct a public hall or auditorium and use the same for public meeting, symposiums and other convention for promotion of Art and Culture.
To organise tournaments in the field of sports, games and institute prizes and medals for improvement of sports and games and other connected activities
To contribute to any public cause.
To donate or contribute to any fund established by central or State Governments for the welfare and benefit of the General Public including any specific relief fund.
To undertake Rural Development Programmes.
To promote/provide of or the welfare of Orphans, Destitute Widows and other deserving helpless persons or to contribute to any institutions engaged in such activities..

GENERAL: To protect animals from cruelty.
To promote unity and brotherhood amongst the members of the public.
To contribute to institutions or Trusts of Bodies established for any one or more of the objects as mentioned herein above.
To do such other acts in addition to any in furtherance of the above objects.

Provided that if at any time hereinafter, it is held that any of the object of the Trust is not a Charitable Object according to Income Tax Law, then the other objects of this Trust excluding the objects so held do be not Charitable will be constructed to be the objects of the Trust.

Provided that in carrying out any objects of general public utility as mentioned here-in-above, they shall not involve the carrying on of any activity for profit.

The trustees shall and will stand possessed of the said sum of Rs.1000/- upon trust and also of any other moneys and /or properties which the Trust may from time to time acquire or received by way of gifts, donations or grants for augmenting the Trust and such donations or receipts may be accepted for the general purpose connected with the objects of the Trust indicated by the Donor. All the funds or the Trust and the income arising from the investments of the Trust funds shall be applied for the purpose of the Trust in such manner as the Trustees shall from time to time decide at their meetings in accordance with the objects of the Trust. No part of funds or the income shall be utilised for the benefit of any of the Trustees.

CONSTITUTION: The first set of trustees consist of the following persons:

Mrs. G.Lathaselvi, D/o. A.R.Gandhimaruthian, aged about 43 years, residing at Flat No.F5, Ruby Builders No.12, U.V.Swaminathan Street, Ganapathipuram, East Tambaram, Chennai 600 059 (hereinafter referred to as the Founder in these presents)

Mrs. G.Kavitha Devi, D/o. A.R.Gandhimaruthian, aged about 41 years, residing at Flat No.F2, Ruby Builders No.14, V.V.S Iyer Street, Ganapathipuram, East Tambaram, Chennai 600 059 as Trustee.

Mr. G.Karthikeyan, S/o.A.R.Gandhimaruthian, aged about 34 years residing at Plot 193, TPS Nagar, 6th Cross Street, Thanjavur as Trustee.

Mr. G.Vijay Ruthrapathi, S/o.A.R.Gandhimaruthian, aged about 27 years residing at Plot 193, TPS Nagar, 6th Cross Street, Thanjavur as Trustee.

Mrs. G.Susila Devi, D/o. A.R.Gandhimaruthian, aged about 38 years residing at No.27, Sri Ram Nagar, Karunai Sabai Salai, Madurai – 625 107 as Trustee.

Mrs. R.Kasthuri, D/o. A.R.Ruthirapathi, aged about 68 years residing at No.52, Pookkara Villar Road, Thanjavur – 613 001 as Trustee.

Mrs. G.Meera Devi, D/o. A.R.Gandhimaruthian, aged about 36 years residing at Door No.45, 3rd Cross Street, Andal Nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai – 600 088 as Trustee.

The first trustees shall hold office for life time. Vacancy arising in the office of the Trustees or the Managing Trustee by reason of death, retirement or for other reason shall be filled in by the surviving or remaining Trustees.

MANAGEMENT: The day to day conduct and management of the affairs of the Trust shall be carried on by Mrs. G.Lathaselvi who shall be known as the Managing Trustee. She shall be the managing trustee for her life time.

The Managing Trustee or any one of the other trustees shall have the power:

To received and keep all Trust funds and monies by way of gifts, donations, contributions and grants and other assets of the Trust.

The trustees may acquire, all invest in, divert of any movable or immovable property.

The trustees may borrow from any approved institutions for furtherance of any activities of the Trust.

The managing trustee and any one of the other Trustees jointly and severally shall have the power to open bank accounts in the name of the trust and to operate the same.

The trustees shall have the power to frame rules for the proper administration and functioning of the trust.

The trustees shall be entitled to accept deposits and/or obtain loans and to invest the trust monies either with banks or in other institutions.

Provided always that the trustees, while investing funds of the trust, shall not violate the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 under section 11 and 13 of the said act as is framed now, subject to such modifications, amendments or alternations to the act that may be made in future.

Provided further that no clause above said shall be constructed as to permit the Trustees to violate the provisions of section 11,12 and 13 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The trustees shall keep a true and correct account of all the Trust monies and the disbursements thereof and the accounts shall be made up to the end of 31st March every year.

For any reason the Trustee feel that they cannot carry on the objects of the trust themselves with its obligations and liabilities to any other Trust or Charitable Institutions having similar objects and the decision of the Trustees in this respect shall be final.

Proper books of accounts shall be maintained regularly and the same shall be audited by a Qualified Chartered Accountant every year.

The income and the funds of the Trust will be solely utilised towards the object of the Trust and no portion of it will be utilised for payment to trustees by way of profit, interest, dividends etc.,

In the event of dissolution or winding up of or termination of the Trust, the assets of the trust shall be handed over or transferred to any other approved Trust or Charitable Institutions having similar object and the decision of the Trustees in this respect shall be final.

Any amendment to the Trust Deed will be carried out only with the approval of the commissioner of Income Tax having jurisdiction over the Trust.

The benefits of this trust are open to all people irrespective of caste, religion, sex etc.,

The activities of the trust shall be carried out only in India and no part of the activities of the trust will be carried out outside India.

The trust shall not carry on any activity with the intention of earning profit.

It is hereby expressly declared that the Trust is absolute and irrevocable.

It is agreed that not more than 5% of the income of the Trust would be applied for any religious purposes or given to religious institutions.

It is agreed that any type of alienation of the immovable property of the trust shall be done only with the prior approval of the Director of Income Tax (Exemptions), Chennai.

There is no movable and immovable property other than Corpus Fund.

This website is established in support of this trust